These loans should be avoided..? Do you know why?

These loans should be avoided..!? Do you know why?

Many people think they shouldn’t take out loans. But at the end of the month, we will be forced to take out loans. This will be unavoidable in middle-class families earning a monthly salary. However, experts say they can avoid taking out some loans. Why do we say to avoid only certain loans? What is the reason for this? Let’s see.
Payday loan:
It is impossible to avoid borrowing during the current period, but it is very important to avoid payday loans. In particular, these loans are taken by small entrepreneurs, small traders and those who have shops in the daily market as individuals. You have to buy it in the morning and pay in the evening. Interest on these types of loans can be very high. It should therefore be avoided.
Car title loan:
A car title loan is usually a high interest loan. You can donate your vehicle and get it back within a month with interest first. Usually the interest on these loans is high. The vehicle may be sold if payment is not made within the time limit.
Advance on credit card:
In order not to use credit cards unnecessarily, some people take credit card advances. After that, interest may continue to accrue as interest. The interest rate is very high. If you don’t pay it on time, the penalty is very high.Casino loan:
Such loans are very rare in India. However, these loans are loans that should be avoided. These loans are used to promote sports in foreign countries.
Many people can have this experience. Usually we get such loans by pawning our jewelry. Failure to pay this debt on time may result in your property being auctioned off. This includes restricted loans of a lower amount for more expensive real estate in rural areas.


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